Ansar & Muhajireen Program (Mentorship & Sponsorship)

What is Ansar and Muhajireen?

In the early days of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) orchestrated a remarkable display of unity and compassion between two groups: the Ansar and the Muhajirin. The Muhajirin, early Muslims who left their homes in Mecca to escape persecution, found a new home in Medina thanks to the generosity of the Ansar. The Prophet personally paired each Muhajir with an Ansar, fostering a deep bond of brotherhood. The Ansar opened their hearts and homes, sharing their resources and treating the Muhajirin as family.
This powerful bond of brotherhood and support is a shining example for us today. As the Quran says, “The ones who believed, emigrated and struggled in the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives, and those who gave shelter and helped – they are the true allies of one another” (Surah Al-Anfal 8:72).

Community Benefits of Mentoring Refugees

Mentoring a refugee through Mozaic’s program offers numerous benefits to the community. By becoming a mentor, community members have the opportunity to foster a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and global perspectives, enriching their own lives. This engagement promotes empathy, inclusivity, and social cohesion, as mentors and refugees build meaningful relationships and learn from each other.

Mentors play a pivotal role in helping refugees integrate more quickly and effectively, which leads to a more vibrant, diverse, and unified community. Additionally, mentors often experience personal growth and fulfillment, knowing they have made a significant positive impact on someone’s life by contributing to their journey towards self-sufficiency and independence.

Mentorship with Mozaic

Mozaic’s Mentorship Program is designed to empower refugees and facilitate their transition by providing the necessary support until they become self-sufficient and independent. You can make this transition smoother by participating in one or more of Mozaic’s Mentorship programs listed below. As a mentor, your involvement is crucial in advancing refugees’ integration, significantly speeding up their journey towards stability and positive change.
Our program offers you the opportunity to interact with refugees, monitor their progress, and be a vital part of their growth and success. Your mentorship and sponsorship efforts are instrumental in helping refugees adapt more quickly and effectively to their new lives. Let’s revive the Sunna of the Prophet and follow his companions’ inspiring example to make a difference in the lives of those around us.

What Kind Of Mentorship is Essential for Success

Financial Mentorship

Daily Living Mentorship

Social & Emotional Mentorship

Career Pathway Mentorship

Ways to Contribute

Refugee Placement Community Partner

Starting May 2024, Mozaic is happy to announce its partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) as a Refugee Placement Community Partner (RPCP).

Welcome Corps

The Welcome Corps Program is a groundbreaking initiative that empowers everyday Americans to play an active role in resettling and welcoming refugees into their communities

Apply to Become Sponsor

Are you interested in becoming a sponsor to help an individual or family in need?

Apply Here to Become a Sponsor With Mozaic