2020 Accomplishments

This year was very difficult on everyone. It left many comfortable people in crisis. COVID19 tested the good hearts and brought the best out of it.
With the generosity of our community and donors we were able to help so many people who are not only within the refugee community, but also to those who were affected by the pandemic through layoffs and evictions.

On behalf of everyone at Mozaic, we want to thank you for trusting us with your generosity.

Mozaic Care Accomplishments

Throughout 2020 we can proudly say that our Mozaic Care Program has done a lot to give back to the community, thanks to our active volunteers and generous donors.

  • 5000+ garment of clothes donated.
  • 100+ food & hygiene boxes, and monthly of supplies, for multiple families with an average of 6 members.
  • 30 families were able to keep a roof under their heads with our rent assistance initiative.
  • 2 Sponsored Refugee Students were able to pay for their colleges through our tuition assistance initiative.
  • Improved the living situation of a family by Relocating them from a high risk location to a low risk location
  • 4 fully furnished houses by Mozaic for families, one of which is arriving from Lebanon last September 2020.
  • 77 Children had smiles on their faces during Eid time thanks to our Eid Drive of target gift cards for the children and needy refugee families.
  • We were able to help a single mother of 5 clear her debt which was accumulating into an interest trap
  • 4 refugees were able to get the dental assistance including complicated implants they needed as many refugees come to the states with serious dental conditions
  • We helped 3 refugees own a vehicle.
  • Mozaic Care Winter Drive helped 5 homeless shelters and their families stay warm.


The service to others is the rent you pay for your room on earth.

Safartas Refugee Kitchen Accomplishments

Safar-Tas Refugee Kitchen is a program for Refugees who are master chefs and cooks. The kitchen helps refugees find places to cater, and sell their food. The Kitchens initiative is to continuously help develop and promote new food business’s owned by refugees.Due to COVID event have significantly decreased in 2020 so we used our kitchen resources to give back to the community

  • 823 meals were given out from SafarTas to our Meals Without Borders Drive.
  • 450+ Thanksgiving Meals were distributed to homeless shelters in the DMV area to make sure the unfortunate have a warm home cooked meal.
  • Facilitated hundreds of orders for chefs, new business, and refugees.

Warith Program Accomplishments

Warith is a Program we started that offer classes and open halaqas (circles of knowledge) to strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and inspire women and children to become overall better community members. We want to be able to offer guidance and support to children through Islamic teachings, various educational programs, and art & entertainment events.

  • The pandemic gave us an opportunity to establish a virtual platform for Warith.
  • 45 children are attending the Sira Club program,
  • 12 girls are attending the Islamic Manners program
  • 15 youth are attending the fiqh program
  • 39+ ladies are attending the tafseer class.

Vocational Training Accomplishments

Our Vocational Training sessions focus on benefiting and enriching women through hands on training and educational programs. The end goal is to help women become supportive and integral factors in their families and communities.

  • Our Vocational Training Program was able to create job opportunities for tailors, chefs, and handy men.
  • We have setup an entire hair salon for a diligent hairdresser who got her certificate in 2019 but wasn’t able to start her business alone.
  • Assisted Dali Coffee in Brand Marketing to sell his merchandise after he was forced to close his shop due to the Pandemic.
  • We also assisted a professional tailor in resuming his profession by providing him with an industrial sewing machine and other tools needed such as promotion.

(Click Here to see his work on Mozaic’s custom facemasks

Mozaic Times

A Newsletter From The Mozaic Family


ONLY $15





Help us continue making a difference
How can you help?

As Mozaic has been consistently growing, we are finding ourselves in need for proper expansion. As we move into the Month of Ramadan we want to begin more initiatives to help the growth and stability of Mozaic.
You can help by:

  • Becoming a monthly donor
  • Delivering your donated goods
  • Spread the word
  • Raise Awareness


A message from us
Thank You…

Let us take a chance to thank each and every one of you for your continuous support in our cause. We want to especially express gratitude to all the Anonymous Donors for your consistent generosity.
Rest assured that all your donations and efforts are in good hands. While we changed many lives in 2020, we want to go above and beyond in 2021.

Donate an Iftar Meal or Food Box

2025 Ramadan Campaign