
Mozaic Case Study: From Despair to Hope

Iman’s Journey with Mozaic’s Compassionate Community Support

Iman’s story is a testament to the power of community and the transformative impact of compassionate support. As a refugee mother of five, she faced overwhelming challenges that pushed her to the brink. Her journey from despair to stability is a narrative of resilience, unity, and the unwavering support of Mozaic.

The Beginning of a Crisis: Iman’s mental health issues began long before she reached the safety of the United States. The trauma of witnessing the horrors of war in Syria, where she saw two young uncles killed and two others severely injured, left deep scars on her psyche. The stress worsened during her time in a transitional country, and once she arrived in the U.S., a hostile neighbor’s threats to call the police added to her distress, leading to severe mental health deterioration.

One day, the situation reached a critical point. Iman had to be admitted to a mental health facility for four weeks after attempt of suicide when her husband was at work, leaving their five children, the youngest only five months old, in the care of social services. The landlord, familiar with Mozaic from our previous interactions, reached out for help.

Mozaic Steps In: Upon hearing the news, Mozaic immediately took action. We convinced social services to release the children to their father’s custody under the condition that Mozaic would support the family financially. This included covering rent, utilities, food, and other essentials. To ensure a safe and friendly environment for the kids, Mozaic also replaced the furniture and meant sure the kids have new beds and mattresses.

Recognizing the special needs of the five-month-old baby, Mozaic found another refugee mother with a child of the same age who agreed to breastfeed the baby. We compensated her to ensure her continued support until Iman’s recovery. Additionally, Mozaic Kitchen arranged for daily hot meals and regular grocery deliveries of fresh produce and dairy.

A Community of Support: Iman’s mental health issues were exacerbated after giving birth to her youngest child, leading to two car accidents within two months. Her husband, despite his sympathy and care, was overwhelmed. Mozaic’s team provided him with guidance and monitored the situation closely, ensuring the children’s safety and supporting the father in his caregiving role.

The police conducted daily checks on the children to ensure their well-being. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Iman was placed in a solitary room under direct care after being forced to undergo birth control, which further distressed her. After four weeks, it was time for her discharge. Our team, requested by Iman and her husband, was present at the hospital. In an emotional moment, Iman hugged Raghad, the Executive Director of Mozaic, calling her “you are my mother in America” and pleading for the removal of the birth control.


Road to Recovery: Upon returning home, Iman initially refused to take her medications, believing she wasn’t ill and claiming to have divine visions. Mozaic’s various attempts to convince Iman to take her medications were unsuccessful. As a last resort, we brought in a sheikh to explain that seeking treatment was a form of worship. This intervention helped Iman accept her medication and begin her path to recovery.

As weeks passed, Iman’s health began to improve, and her baby was permanently returned to her care. Mozaic created a support network among neighbors, ensuring daily check-ins, assistance with school pickups, meals, and homework help for the children. We also organized a cooking rota, compensating neighbors for their efforts. This community support system allowed Iman’s husband to return to work, restoring financial stability to the family.

A Year Later: A year after the crisis, Iman showed significant improvement. She maintained her therapy sessions and medication, passed her driving test, and began sharing household responsibilities with her husband. The journey was tough, but with Mozaic’s unwavering support and the community’s collective effort, Iman and her family found hope and stability.

Community Unity: This case reflects the profound unity and commitment within the community to support those in need. Donations covered rent for 4 months, utilities, childcare, and other essentials. A local business owner contributed trucks and workers to move furniture, while his family also helped physically. The outpouring of support was phenomenal, showcasing the community’s dedication to aiding refugees and those facing hardship.

Conclusion: Iman’s story teaches us that no matter how dark the path, there is always light from unexpected places. It highlights the importance of mental health, the power of community, and the capacity for miracles. Mozaic’s support not only saved a family from falling apart but also restored hope and dignity in the face of adversity. This case study stands as a powerful reminder of the incredible impact that compassion, community, and dedicated support can have on the lives of refugees.

Your Support Matters: Iman’s journey is just one of many where Mozaic has made a life-changing impact. Our mission is to continue this vital work, but we can’t do it alone. Your generous donations enable us to assist more families with diverse needs, from disabilities and chronic diseases to youth development and women’s empowerment. By supporting Mozaic, you help build life skills for the youth, empowering women to support their families, and providing men the peace of mind to put bread on the table.

Together, we can transform misery into prosperity. Your contributions ensure that we can continue to create these miracles, bringing light to the darkest paths and fostering a stronger, more resilient community. Join us in making a difference. Every donation counts, and with your help, we can change lives, one family at a time. Click here to donate!