

Donate to Mozaic

Donate Your Zakat

Empower refugees with a transformative endowment! Your recommended $500 contribution isn't just a donation; it's a powerful investment in changing lives in our refugee community. 

Company Matching Donations

Make double the impact! See if your company matches your donations. 

Mozaic Sewing Studio

This studio will help refugees train and master sewing to kickstart their businesses. It provides them with essential skills to become self-sufficient.

Become a Montlhy Donor

Give your monthly donations to Mozaic to help build a stronger community!

Ramadan Donation Campaigns

Meals on Wheels

Empower refugees with a transformative endowment! Your recommended $500 contribution isn't just a donation; it's a powerful investment in changing lives in our refugee community. 

Donate Your Zakat Al-Fitr

Empower refugees with a transformative endowment! Your recommended $500 contribution isn't just a donation; it's a powerful investment in changing lives in our refugee community. 

Donate Your Fidya

Empower refugees with a transformative endowment! Your recommended $500 contribution isn't just a donation; it's a powerful investment in changing lives in our refugee community. 

Iftar Meals on Wheels

Empower refugees with a transformative endowment! Your recommended $500 contribution isn't just a donation; it's a powerful investment in changing lives in our refugee community.